dimarts, 18 de juny del 2013

Letters to the headmaster

Wrong define on the textbook

Dear Sir,
I’m one of the Student of fourth year high school, here in the Institut Santa Eulàlia.
The text books we have this year are old, and some of them are not useful to define the right words. Some teachers are agree with it.
          Finally I think that buying or picking new version of books will help.

Sybelle Hernández
Student in INS Santa Eulàlia

L’ Hospitalet de Llobregat

Exams schedule

Dear Sir,
The new schedule this year is better than last year but it’s not good enough.
I talked with some of my school mates and they told me that, when we have final exams they don’t want to have normal classes.
But I think that’s unfair because we miss classes. So the best solution is when we are done with the exams, is to have extra classes.

Caroline Barrera
Student in INS Santa Eulàlia
L’ Hospitalet de Llobregat

Uncomfortable classes

Dear Sir,
With all our respect, we are not comfortable in class.
Some of the windows blind are broken, and sometimes the sound of the digital board is not working so we lost time trying to solve the problem.
Finally, in summer we are dying because of the hotness, we need an air conditioner or in winter some of the heater is not working.

Erik Soliz
Student in INS Santa Eulàlia
L’ Hospitalet de Llobregat

Trips are fun

Dear Sir,
We need more trips. Honestly, we aren’t doing enough trips this school year.
All the students love trips and we can learn faster if we are having trips while learning and doing our works.
I hope that next year, we have more trips, because we need it. Thank you!

Lorena Marin
Student in INS Santa Eulàlia
L’ Hospitalet de Llobregat

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